Hey folks!
Jesse here with mikandi.com, the adult app store. I've been a member of NG for many years and admiring everyone's works from afar. Now ready to share. :)
Some of you might know that we also built the first porn app and video for google Glass https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xxt24JoLlPE. The app was banned by Google on the first day of launch :/
Before I sold my soul to the porn industry, my first passion has and will always be art. I'm constantly getting requests for better adult games in our app store, so we decided to take a more hands on approach and start raising the bar for higher quality games for adults. And it gives me a chance to start drawing again. Finally all those years of drawing naked people for friends in school is paying off.
I'm open to collaborations and always on the lookout for artists, musicians and programmers for next games. Love to hear your suggestions.